
Behind the Instagrammer

Instagrammer: @kamcline

Every month I talk to a new photographer on Instagram.  They share their favorite locations, camera gear, and the best practices to have on Instagram. This week is Cam Cline, a freelance photographer and editor based in Seagrove, Florida.

What inspired you to start photography?  Are there any specific photographers on Instagram that inspire you? 

My very first inspiration for photography was all ocean related. Being able to grab any type of camera and go out into the water, whether I was shooting waves, surfing, or diving. It was huge to me just being able to go create something. The first IG’ers that really inspired me were guys like @zaknoyle and @jake_of_all_trades, they seemed to always have a perfect amount of ocean photographs and landscapes. Recently I’ve been more outdoor and night photography inspired, and the Instagrammers that catch my eye are @roycebairphoto and @alexstrohl.

You capture a decent amount of photos out in natural springs and the ocean.  What about water photography draws you in to take photos?

As I mentioned above my very first love for photography came from being in the water. I was hooked instantly. Growing up surfing and always at the beach I started to process views and feelings that I knew I eventually just had to capture with a camera. Like going out for a sunset surf or diving with no one else around, being able to experience those things was always key for me, and adding the camera was just icing on the cake!

You also create some incredible photo compositions using Photoshop.  What is your favorite Photoshop edit you have done? 

Favorite question! I studied graphic design before ever getting into photography, and I still really love to create digital images based off a story, or a certain feeling. This one’s probably my favorite of them all. I made it after coming home from a trip out west with my friends, and it sort of captured some of the vibe of that trip. 

Keep a weather eye on the horizon...

A photo posted by Cam Cline (@kamcline) on

You also have captured many night photos in nature. What is the most difficult aspect of night photography?

Recently shooting outdoor lifestyle and especially astrophotography has been my passion. I’d say the most difficult part of it all is location and planning. If you get lazy with the spots you pick, your images really show that. Being able to plan ahead, travel with a purpose, and go the full distance; to me those things can make or break a great idea for an outdoor/nature image.

What camera gear do you shoot with?

I use a Nikon d3300 body and my go-to lenses include a Tokina 11-16mm f2.8, as well as a Nikkor 35mm f1.8. I also use a few different ND filters from Hoya Filters for certain landscapes.

What advice would you give to the starting photographer?

Always plan ahead to the next thing. Whether it’s a simple idea, travel, a photoshoot, whatever it is, keep yourself busy!

Lastly what advice would you give to the beginning photographer on Instagram trying to expose their work?

Find your photographic niche and roll with it, and just keep posting the type of images you love. Eventually you’ll notice how much you are improving on those things, as will your followers.

To see more of Cam's work go here


Evan Hilton1 Comment