
Behind the Instagrammer

Instagrammer: @landofnirvana

Every week I talk to a new photographer on Instagram.  They share their favorite locations, camera gear, and the best practices to have on Instagram. This weeks is Carl Stephen Strachy, a 35 year old based in Melton Mowbray Leicestershire, UK.

What inspired you too start photography? Are there any specific people on Instagram that inspired you? 

I studied at art college where I studied a photography course as well as painting so the inspiration for photography came from that I guess. Inspirational Instagrammers: @emiliaarabella @katja_marian @bogdan.tomsa @mariustomuta @arclesscurve.

What camera equipment do you typically use?

I use a Sony Xperia Z2 and Panasonic Lumix digital camera.  I also use the Instagram editing tools and VSCO cam.

When I look at your feed, there are many cool tree pictures! What about trees draw you in to take a photo?

As a self employed carpenter and joiner timber is key to my livelihood so as an honourary to that I appreciate trees immensely and all they give environmentally and their versatility .  I very much support sustainable forests.

Here is a hard question, what is the most favorite photo you have ever taken? 

This one is my favourite photo. This is my father taking in the landscape on a mountain biking trail that we want on in the morning. It was great to have quality time together as we are both very busy with our careers.

What about the UK do you love when taking photos? Do you have a favorite location in the UK?

An abundance of mixed weather in UK means there is a lushness in summer and a beautiful starkness in winter for photography. Derbyshire has to be my favourite location.
Photo Jun 12, 4 04 16 PM.jpg

Lastly what advice would you give to the beginning photographer on Instagram trying to expose their work? 

Sharing and caring on Instagram means everything. Friendships that otherwise would not be possible if not for social media. Photograph what you love and think about yourself first and your audience second. Be respectful, appreciate others, and keep tagging!!

To see more of Carl's work go here

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